National health development planning commission: the incidence of hepatitis b in China report is on the decline
Summary: Chinas national guard guo-qiang wang, deputy director of the planning committee, said Chinas implementation of the comprehensive prevention and control of viral hepatitis is given priority to with inoculation of strategy has obtained the remarkable result, incidence of hepatitis b report is on the decline, but hepatitis b prevention and control also faces many challenges, need more measures simultaneously, to further strengthen the viral hepatitis prevention and control. World hepatitis day is on July 28. Guo-qiang wang deputy director of the China national health development planning commission on the same day in Beijing, said Chinas implementation of the comprehensive prevention and control of viral hepatitis is given priority to with inoculation of strategy has obtained the remarkable result, incidence of hepatitis b report is on the decline, but hepatitis b prevention and control also faces many challenges, need more measures simultaneously, to further strengthen the viral hepatitis preven
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